ZIP HERS Trailblazer Shorts
5” Fit And
Leisure Shorts
9” Fit And Leisure Shorts
I want to talk about kayaks. The different types and brands on the market can be overwhelming. Before I made that first purchase, I did my research. Every kayak had it’s own…
July 23, 2022
My Fist Sponsor
I fell hard for the Zip Hers Brand pants and shorts. It just makes going to the bathroom in my kayak so much easier. I've seen anglers get sponsors for lures and weights, but to…
April 7, 2022
I gotta pee!
Grown folks talk: So by now I have been fishing in my kayak for about a month. Being over 50, I have to pee, a lot! I carry a plastic cup in my kayak but it just ain't working…
March 22, 2022
The mistakes just keep coming
I'm really looking like a professional now. By now, we have purchased the required Ketch brand of measuring board. I have read all the rules about hand placement and mouth…
March 20, 2022
My second kayak bass tournament.
Well, I'm an expert by now, or so I thought! This was on a lake I was raised on and if I can't catch fish here, then I'm in trouble. No ramp camping for us. It was also within…
March 20, 2022
My first kayak bass tournament
It was a warm spring morning, and I was gonna get my first taste of 'RAMP CAMPING'. My husband and I both got off work late, got a late start and didn't even leave the house…
March 11, 2022